For those of you who haven't heard of Commission Killer yet, the system was created by Rob Walker and Craig Kaye, it basically offers killer ways to earn killer commissions by making use of some awesome affiliate blogs and authentic content with only a few clicks. Once all set and running it is a virtual auto piloted system which updates itself, cool hah !
I am not going to spend a whole lot of time on this post as I really want to get cracking away at this Commission Killer software program and hopefully start making some money.So here is a little snap shot of one of my clickbank accounts I have opened specifically for case studies like Commission Killers.
Now if any of you have had any success using Commission Killer please let me know. I think if we all help each other where we can we can all have a slice of the virtual riches pie that we all aim for.
Anyway back to the case study, Commission Killer sold me on the simplicity to set-up, article spinning and once the whole thing is set free the auto piloting system sealed the deal for me.I have slaved away at designing websites, html code ( which just sucks ), up loading this and down loading that, domains and hosting blah blah blah. The Commission Killer system is staight down the line no fluff stuff and to the point. The best part is it is easy.
In the next few month I will be tracking my success ( if any ) and will be sharing with you the ups and down through the whole process. I will include my weekly screen shots of my Clickbank account which will include a run down of the systems I am using or trying out. If there is anyone that would like to team up with me or try this with me feel free to follow my blog and let share some ideas.
I really hope you guys out there find this a little interesting or at least drop by every now and then and share your ideas. Until next time.
To our success,
Ryan Wesley.